If planning to sell your business one day, this muscle is critical to build today
When the day comes that you want to sell your company to a third party, they will ask you to share your strategic plan. Having a plan to share could help excite the acquirer about the ongoing potential of your company and underpin their making a strong offer to buy your business.
If such a benefit to having a plan can help your business down the road, and certainly today as well, then why do so few companies have an effective strategic plan?
The answer is that the executives leading the company are lacking in knowing, or working, a repeatable, scalable model for developing their plan. Each time they think about developing a strategy they approach it differently and therefore never build a repeatable, scalable muscle in this critical business discipline.
Imagine if every time a golfer teed off, they held the club differently, stood differently, swung differently – the results will rely on luck to stay on the fairway. Imagine if the field goal kicker in a football game had a different approach to kicking a field goal each time he attempted one – the results will rely on luck to score the points.
It’s the same with building and implementing a strategic plan for a business. It’s a muscle that must be developed over time. And this muscle is only established if the executive adopts a consistent model for developing and implementing a plan. Approach it differently each time and you’ll be relying on luck to achieve results. But select a repeatable model for building your plan, and you will greatly increase the likelihood of achieving your desired end results and not leaving it to chance.
We regularly do guest speaking on the topic of building the strategic planning muscle for companies, give us a call (949.874.0787) so we can share the 4 Part Campaign with you. Use time as a friend in optimizing your company for a future euphoric exit. Building your teams strategic planning muscle will be a key part of building your company net worth.