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The Jockey Versus The Horse

Many acquirer's want you to have a strong organization they can leverage

Many sellers believe that their future acquirer will just base their purchase valuation on the financial performance of the business. Certainly, the financials and the projections of same will factor into the valuation the acquirer places on your company. But, there are other factors.

In the M&A world, there is an expression that the acquirer is placing their bet on the jockey more than the horse. Meaning, the product or service your company provides is certainly important but what many acquirer’s are drawn to is how strong is the organization, your team, that they could leverage to drive continued solid performance.

Your employee hiring, retention and overall management plans are key to building the organization that could one day help excite an acquirer. So, ask yourself these questions as they relate to having a strong organization:

  • Do we have people in key roles that know how to help us get to the next level of performance or could we soon outgrow their education and experience level?
  • Do our key managers have educational and experience backgrounds that fit well with the job they do or do we have people in roles they aren’t specifically suited for?
  • Does our company have a healthy culture?
    • Do we empower employees to make certain decisions on their own
    • Do our employees work well together, as a team
    • Do we hold people accountable for doing their jobs consistently around our company or are we inconsistent?
    • Do we promote from within – are we grooming the future group of key managers?
    • Do we have a compensation and reward system that helps drive results?Building the long-term net worth of your business will require multiple pieces of the puzzle to be in place. One is certainly the strength of your product or service and the other is your financial performance and projections. But don’t underestimate your organization and what it will mean to your future acquirer. Start giving more thought today to your team and your culture as time invested in this important area will pay you a dividend many times over in the future.

Building the long-term net worth of your business will require multiple pieces of the puzzle to be in place. One is certainly the strength of your product or service and the other is your financial performance and projections. But don’t underestimate your organization and what it will mean to your future acquirer. Start giving more thought today to your team and your culture as time invested in this important area will pay you a dividend many times over in the future.

Use Greenpoint Testing to Achieve Your Desired Exit Valuation

It only takes 106 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, to stress test your readiness for a successful exit.

However, these questions require thoughtful commitment to achieve your desired exit valuation.

During this up to hour-long online testing, you'll see questions such as the following.

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Then, complete the Greenpoint questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will reveal any gaps in your planning, pointing to the action steps needed to maximize your desired exit valuation.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Greenpoint results

Stethoscope Frees You to Work On Your Business, Beyond In It

120 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, free you to work ON your business, rather than solely IN your business.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Stethoscope questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning, and tips for future growth, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your thinking as a business leader.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Stethoscope results

Be Ready for The Probe of Due Diligence

109 questions, scanning 10 essential due diligence disciplines, to prepare for a roadblock free Probe of your business in anticipation of sale.

And to potentially increase the value of your business by your professional transparency.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Probe Diagnostic Tool questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning for a due diligence Probe, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your readiness when diligence is due.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Probe results