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San Diego, California

Southern California CEO Business Magazine (SoCalceo.org) today released publication of the latest article by Yosemite Associates, LLC (visit Yosemite Associates) and Larry O'Toole. Yosemite Associates works with private business owners that want to optmize the future sale of their company and want to remove the uncertainty as to how to experience a future euphoric exit event.  The latest article, "Your Customer Stickiness Metric - A Powerful Enabler to Building Company Worth" lays out steps any business can take to build the loyalty or stickiness of their customer base. (read article here)

As Larry O'Toole often shares with audiences during his guest speaking appearances on the topic of being euphoric one day from the sale of a business, "business owners miss a wonderul opportunity to grow the worth of their company if they aren't taking steps to build a loyal customer following. Doing so can greatly accelerate growing the valuation that an acquirer might one day place on their business." This article provides an insightful new way to think about, measure and build your customer loyalty and help business owners be euphoric one day from selling their company.

San Diego, California

Larry O'Toole, Founder of Yosemite Associates, announced today the successful exit transaction for one of the firm's clients. This San Diego based client (un-named to respect private owner confidentiality) engaged Yosemite Associates in 2018 to help the ownership prepare their business for a future euphoric exit event. This was one of Yosemite's initial clients with company valuation in the range of $30M in the 2018 time frame and on December 31, 2021, experienced a successful sale to a strategic market player for $100M. Both deal valuation and deal structure helped ownership achieve their Bank Your Moment®, euphoric exit outcome.

As the CEO and co-founder of the business shared on day of close, "Larry O'Toole was instrumental in guiding us to this day and helping us build to this level of outcome."

(note: CEO receptive to speaking with those looking for a reference on how Yosemite Associates enabled their outcome)

San Diego, California

During the month of December, global CEO organization Vistage (Vistage) invited Larry O'Toole to be the guest speaker for multiple events in Boise, Idaho to help business owners build their company valuation. The topic is, "Strategic Planning That Enables Company Worth". Larry provided his practical insights for helping an organization build overall company value, or what he calls company worth, through a new approach for stratgic thinking and planning. As one member commented, "Approaching strategic planning with easy to implement tools and questions is a great way to shake up and dismiss some of the negative stigma associated with the process."

Said O'Toole, "Too often executives view strategic planning as an arduous task and something they like to defer doing. Our approach to strategic planning takes away the stigma many have and provides them a fresh new approach to help grow their business valuation."

The workshop includes an effective 4 part campaign for guiding a team through new thinking and capturing that thinking in an actionable plan. In addition, the members leave the session with a variety of thought provoking templates executives can use with their teams to faciliate new productive dialog. 

San Diego, California

During the month of November, global CEO organization Vistage (Vistage) invited Larry O'Toole to be the guest speaker for multiple events in Indianoplis and Denver. The topic is, "Strategic Planning That Enables Company Worth". Larry provided his practical insights for helping an organization build overall company value, or what he calls company worth, through a new approach for stratgic thinking and planning. Said O'Toole, "too often executives of private businesses confuse hope for a plan. They desire one day to sell their company but what they lack today is an effective plan for getting there. I share with these audiences a very proven and very practical approach to developing their plan."

The workshops includes a variety of thought provoking templates executives can use with their teams to faciliate new productive dialog. As one participant commented, "Larry helped take away my uncertainty as to how to tackle developing an effective plan. His approach made me realize that me and my team can develop our strategic thinking and planning muscle and he's given us the roadmap for doing so. It's clear Larry has walked a mile in our shoes in running businesses in his career and that practical experience comes through the planning campaign he presented."

San Diego, California

During the week of October 11th, 2021, global CEO organization Vistage (Vistage) invited Larry O'Toole to be the guest speaker for multiple Baton Rouge, Louisiana area chapter audiences. The topic was, "Strategic Planning That Enables Company Worth". Larry provided his practical insights for helping an organization build overall company value, or what he calls company worth, through a new approach for stratgic thinking and planning. Said O'Toole, "too often executives desire having an effective strategic plan for their business that will help them successfully sell their business one day but they don't know how to tackle getting one in place - this is where we introduce an effective four part campaign to help take this uncertainty away."

The workshops included a variety of thought provoking templates executives can use with their teams to faciliate new productive dialog. As an audience member commented, "Larry helped me see where I can take very practical steps today in building the strategic thinking and planning muscle for my business something I've previously not be confident in tackling."

Orange County, California

Ethos of Orange County has invited Larry O'Toole to be their keynote speaker (Event Notice) at their September event. Ethos is a leading business networking group serving business executives in southern California. Larry's topic will be "Emotional Intelligence, the Leadership X Factor" and he will share his insights about the role of emotional intelligence for leaders who are trying to build company value, or worth, as Larry refers to it. Larry's talk will share practical, actionable steps that business executives can take to leverage emotional intelligence as an enabler to their career and their business.

Los Angeles, California

The Aerospace & Defense Forum (A&D Forum) announced their September event and Larry O'Toole as keynote speaker on the topic of, "Ask New Questions, Build New Worth" ((event notice) The event for Forum members from around the United States is for companies who serve the aerospace & defense industry. Larry will be sharing his insights related to what strategic questions business executives should be asking today about their copmanies. Larry notes, "Peter Drucker once said that businesses don't mistakes as a result of the wrong answers, but make mistakes as a result of not asking the right questions." Larry's presentation will be focused on what insightful questions business executives should be asking now about their companies to facilite fresh, productive new dialog with their teams.

San Diego, California

During the week of September 6th, 2021, global CEO organization Vistage (Vistage) invited Larry O'Toole to be the guest speaker for multiple Columbus, Ohio area chapter audiences. The topic was, "Strategic Planning That Enables Company Worth". Larry provided his practical insights for helping an organization build overall company worth through a new approach for stratgic thinking and planning. Said O'Toole, "too often executives jump directly to the planning phase which is just capturing their current thinking but the most effective, true strategic planning begins with strategic thinking. Doing this starts with asking new, thought provoking questions."

The workshops included a variety of thought provoking templates executives can use with their teams to faciliate new productive dialog. As an audience member commented, "Larry is able to take a normally complex topic and break it down in to effective, actionable steps that will help me build confidence that my strategic plan is truly helping me build my business to achieve my future targets."

Orange County, California

Larry O'Toole, founder of Yosemite Associates, LLC (Yosemite Associates) announced today the launch of their latest business diagnostic tool called Stethoscope. A stethoscope is often the first tool used by a doctor to gauge an individual's health. Stethoscope is a diagnostic tool to enable a deep examination of the inner workings of your enterprise, beyond your day to day operations to determine gaps (if any) in overall health and prospects.

Says O'Toole, "the health of your company isn't based solely on past performance - even recent past performance - but also by examination of your near and long term performance prospects."

When strong business leaders see a peaking of performance or when they want to see how their business compares to best in class, they rethink and may reset their business strategy. Stethoscope is your opportunity to conduct your thorough business health examination to determine if any rethinking or resetting would be helpful in your building company worth. (Start Your Stethoscope Diagnostic)

San Diego, California

During the weeks of July 12th and 19th, 2021, global CEO organization Vistage (Vistage) invited Larry O'Toole to be the guest speaker for four Seattle area chapter audiences. The topic was, "Technological Trends - Moving Your Organization from Awareness to Preparedness". Larry provided his practical insights for helping an organization build overall company value by using technology as a strategic enabler. The workshops include a variety of templates owners can use with their teams to faciliate new productive dialog around a critical business topic in today's environment. As an audience member commented, "Larry is able to take a normally complex topic and break it down in to actionable steps for the non-technical CEO's. Larry helps the audience move from thinking about the bits and bytes of the technology to the strategic aspect of technology as an enterprise value enabler".

Orange County, California

Yosemite Associates, LLC (Yosemite Associates, LLC) announced expansion of its YouTube Channel (Yosemite Associates Videos) with multiple videos added that are designed for private company owners and CEO's. The videos are part of their Bank Your Moment campaign, designed to help business owners/executives on their journey of building their business to one day command a premium valuation at time of exit. The videos provide valuable insights and practical tips for buidling company worth.

Los Angeles, California

The Aerospace & Defense Forum (A&D Forum) today shared Larry O'Toole's latest article with their global membership. Titled, "Achieving Your Euphoric Business Exit", the article is written for business owners and CEO's wanting to know how to build their company to achieve a successful exit event one day. Larry shares his T.O.P.S formula which can help any business owner think and prepare their business to one day excite a future acquirer. The formula identifies practical steps any business can take to ultimately build overall company value, or worth. (Read article here)

San Diego, California

Vistage (Vistage), the global business owner and CEO peer group, announced this week their top speakers for 2020 and Larry O'Toole was selected as a part of this prestigious group.

The top speakers were selected as a result of audience post event scores and surveys. Larry O'Toole's topic, "Strategic Planning That Grows Company Value" is credited by audiences for providing a refreshing new view of strategic planning and offering actionable and practical insights that business owners and CEO's can adopt with their teams.

And Larry's 2021 Vistage calendar is full again with events around the United States, both virtual and in person as he continues to share his 20 years of CEO experience with his peers.

San Diego, California

During the week of March 15th, 2021, global CEO organization Vistage (Vistage) invited Larry O'Toole to be the guest speaker for five area chapter audiences. The topic was, "Technological Trends - Moving Your Organization from Awareness to Preparedness". Larry provided his practical insights for helping an organization build overall company value by using technology as a strategic enabler. The workshops include a variety of templates any owner can use with their teams to faciliate new productive dialog around a critical business topic in today's environment. As an audience member commented, "Larry is able to take a normally complex topic and break it down in to actionable steps for the non-technical CEO's. Larry helps the audience move from thinking about the bits and bytes of the technology to the strategic aspect of technology as an enterprise value enabler".

Anaheim, California

Larry O'Toole was invited to present his "Strategic Planning that Builds Company Worth" to three different Vistage groups in January, 2021. Vistage (Vistage) is a leading global organization for company owners, CEO's and key executives offering guidance, services and tools that enable them in their careers and bringing value to their organizations. Larry was invited to speak to the groups to share his practical insights on how to lead a team through an effective four step strategic planning campaign that links to building new company worth. Larry introduced the campaign and provided powerful and innovative planning templates the executives could use with their teams to enable fresh new strategic dialog.

Orange County, California

An innovative new tool is now available to company owners and CEO's who are wondering if their business is ready to command an optimal valuation from an exit event. This exit readiness assessment tool is designed for business leaders that want to privately conduct their own review regarding their company ability to command an optimal valuation from a third party.

Larry O'Toole, founder of Yosemite Associates, announced the new tool and commented "a well run company today isn't necessarily an exit ready company in terms of commanding an optimal valuation from a third party. Don't wait to find out if your company has gaps in its exit readiness when assessment tools like this are now available to small and mid-sized company leadership."

Greenpoint is now available to help take away uncertainty as to the readiness of your business. (find your Greenpoint now)

Irvine, California

Cerius Executives (Cerius), a leading "just in time" leadership placement firm, interviewed Larry O'Toole for their Q4 2020 business update. The quarterly update includes interviews of experienced executives to offer actionable insights to readers as we approach 2021. In this issue, Larry provides advice for continuing to navigate COVID-19 as businesses prepare for protecting and building their company value, or worth, in the upcoming year. (read the interview here)

Orange County, California

National accounting firm Eide Bailly (Eide Bailly) and podcast by CPA Art Wiederman (The Art of Finance) invited Larry O'Toole as the guest for the October podcast (listen to podcast here). Art interviewed Larry about advice to owners of dental practices on how to build the value of their businesses. Larry's campaign relates to any business to help take away the uncertainty for owners on how to build the long term value or worth of their company. Larry shared his experience and insights related to his 5 step campaign for building company worth.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Vistage (Vistage) in Baton Rouge invited guest speaker Larry O'Toole to join their area chapter sharing insights on "Technological Trends - Moving from Awareness to Preparedness". Larry's workshop helps business leaders think about how to raise their company awareness regarding technological advancements taking place within their industries to help avoid being disrupted and to identify opportunities to become a market disrupter. The workshop is filled with tools and templates that help a business owner and CEO guide their team through effective planning for developing a digital transformation plan. This workshop is part of the overall Bank Your Moment series of topics that was created to help business owners and CEO's build the long term value or worth of their business.

Los Angles, California

The Aerospace & Defense Forum (A&D Forum) today published the latest article by Larry O'Toole titled, "Smart Questions Business Leaders Are Asking Now". The A&D Forum is a national industry organization for suppliers to the aerospace and defense industry and included the article in their August, 2020 newsletter. 

In the article, Larry O'Toole outlines the smart questions that every business owner and CEO of any industry should be asking at this point in the Corona-geddon pandemic. The article is intended to help owners/CEO's faciliate productive dialog with their teams to help protect company value (or company worth as we like to call it) and also find opportunities to build it. (Read Article)

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Use Greenpoint Testing to Achieve Your Desired Exit Valuation

It only takes 106 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, to stress test your readiness for a successful exit.

However, these questions require thoughtful commitment to achieve your desired exit valuation.

During this up to hour-long online testing, you'll see questions such as the following.

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Then, complete the Greenpoint questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will reveal any gaps in your planning, pointing to the action steps needed to maximize your desired exit valuation.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Greenpoint results

Stethoscope Frees You to Work On Your Business, Beyond In It

120 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, free you to work ON your business, rather than solely IN your business.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Stethoscope questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning, and tips for future growth, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your thinking as a business leader.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Stethoscope results

Be Ready for The Probe of Due Diligence

109 questions, scanning 10 essential due diligence disciplines, to prepare for a roadblock free Probe of your business in anticipation of sale.

And to potentially increase the value of your business by your professional transparency.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Probe Diagnostic Tool questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning for a due diligence Probe, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your readiness when diligence is due.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Probe results