Will your strategic plan help you sell your company one day?
A common dialog we have with company owners relates to whether their strategic plan is actually strategic. We commonly find that the answer is no. The plan, either on paper or in their head, is actually more tactical and is not helping the owner/CEO bridge from where their business is today to helping them achieve a future desired end game. And we refer to this end game as the opportunity to Bank Your Moment®. Meaning, how you define what will make you euphoric in the future as it relates to your company whether it's selling to a third party, selling to your management team, building a great lifestyle business or transferring ownership to a family member. Doing so begins with having a plan, not just hope, but an actionable strategic plan.
Review this list of strategic questions (link to great strategic questions to ask yourself now) that every company owner/CEO should answer for their business. If you have answers to these questions or if you are currently pursuing answers, then in fact your plan is very likely truly strategic. But if you see questions here that you lack the answers to, could be an immediate opportunity for you to enhance your company strategic thinking and planning and steps to build the value, or worth, of your business.