Temecula, California
Southern California CEO Business Magazine (SoCal CEO Business Magazine) this week selected the latest article by Larry O'Toole for publishing in their latest issue. The article Build Your Culture - Build Your Company Exit Valuation was written for private company owners and CEO's and offers practical and actionable insights related to company culture as it relates to exciting a future acquirer one day. Says O'Toole, "Too often owners and CEOs are intimate with their their markets, products/services and customers but not as inimate as they should be in understanding their organization culture. When the day comes to try and sell their company to a third party, the acquirer will assess the seller's organization culture to see how it will fit within their own and you want them being just as excited about your team as they are about your products and services." The article offers helpful tips for owners and CEOs on how to look at tangible company performance metrics to see where improvements may be needed related to culture.