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Leads, Leads, Leads

Looking to grow your business, let's look at the quantity and quality of your leads

When the day arrives that you want to sell your business, the acquirer will place a meaningful portion of their purchase price on the future potential they believe your company has. During due diligence, you’ll want to be able to prove to them that your company is rich with both quantity and quality of leads and that your team also has an excellent discipline for managing them.

To enhance the leads your company generates and the management of them, here are some great questions to sit with your sales & marketing team to discuss:

  • Do we track quantity of leads we get as well as the quality of them? You don’t want to confuse quantity of leads coming into your business with quality…quality means they are truly leads from your target customers.
  • Do we track quality of leads in terms of how many we receive that are for our target customer versus leads from customers that don’t fit our target?
  • Do we have an effective tracking of our win/loss rate related to the leads? And do we track our win/loss rate for new customers versus repeat customers as the repeat win rate should be much higher?
  • Do we effectively triage leads when they first come in so we apply the appropriate focus on the larger more strategic opportunities?
  • Do we track our leads through the various stages and do we have metrics telling us what the conversion rate is at each? Leads start as Suspects, then move to Contacts, then move to Prospects and then move to Customers. Do we track our leads through these various stages to know when the majority drop out?
  • Are we tracking only the leads that we have outstanding proposals/quotes for or are we also keeping tracking of target markets/customers we don’t yet do business with but one day we want to? In other words, your sales opportunity pipeline should not just include the leads your sales team is working on but it should also include markets/target customers you could work one day when you have the resources to do so.
  • How effectively and timely are we following up on leads – do we know each day/week how many leads came in that we still haven’t gotten around to following up on?
  • Which of our lead sources (internet advertising, networking, cold calling, magazine/tv, etc.) if generating the highest quality of leads?

We often hear new clients talk about needing more leads to support their sales targets. After detailed discussion and analysis we often find the real problem isn’t the quantity but it’s the quality of the leads (meaning leads are coming but not from the target customer) and/or the company has a poor lead management system and process which means the company is paying to get leads but not managing them well.

Give your future yourself a gift today by evaluating the quantity and quality of leads your company is generating and how effectively your company is managing them. Making improvements could enable your sales and help excite a future acquirer in seeing this discipline embedded in your business.

Use Greenpoint Testing to Achieve Your Desired Exit Valuation

It only takes 106 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, to stress test your readiness for a successful exit.

However, these questions require thoughtful commitment to achieve your desired exit valuation.

During this up to hour-long online testing, you'll see questions such as the following.

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Then, complete the Greenpoint questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will reveal any gaps in your planning, pointing to the action steps needed to maximize your desired exit valuation.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Greenpoint results

Stethoscope Frees You to Work On Your Business, Beyond In It

120 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, free you to work ON your business, rather than solely IN your business.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Stethoscope questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning, and tips for future growth, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your thinking as a business leader.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Stethoscope results

Be Ready for The Probe of Due Diligence

109 questions, scanning 10 essential due diligence disciplines, to prepare for a roadblock free Probe of your business in anticipation of sale.

And to potentially increase the value of your business by your professional transparency.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Probe Diagnostic Tool questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning for a due diligence Probe, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your readiness when diligence is due.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Probe results