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Before Selling Your Business Build Your Net Proceeds Model

Avoid the disappointment many sellers experience

You dream of one day selling your company. Part of that dream is what it will mean to you in terms of financial independence. Ask yourself, then why is it study after study reports that the vast majority of private company owners that sell their company aren’t happy with the outcome?

There are several reasons for this and our many prior blog posts identify them. But one particular reason is as the final date approaches for selling the company, the seller starts to see specifically what the Net proceeds are going to be that they will receive as a result of the sale and they are negatively surprised by the amount being much lower than they dreamed of.

You can avoid this typical surprise and disappointment by well in advance of starting the exit process developing your Gross to Net Proceeds Model. Here are some of the key elements you will have in your specific model:

Gross Proceeds – this is the amount you hope to receive from a third party. Your model can be built to allow you to change this to various scenarios.

Minus: (these are the costs/dollars that will be taken out of the Gross Proceeds to result in your Net)

  • Deal Costs – costs such as hiring an investment banker to represent you in the sale, hiring an M&A attorney and getting transaction help from your CPA or other advisors
  • Loan/Debt Paydown – acquirers generally won’t assume debt you have on your business. Typical agreement language will say the acquirer is buying your company “on a debt free basis”. So any debt on your business will be taken from your gross proceeds.
  • Co-owner/Shareholder Payments – if you have co-owners or shareholders, what amount of the proceeds from the transaction will go directly to them
  • Employee Incentives – many private company owners have plans to reward all or some of their employees upon the sale of their company. This amount needs to be subtracted from the gross proceeds you will receive
  • Taxes – calculating your Federal and State tax liability can be a meaningful reduction to the net amount you will personally receive

Every company sale is unique but the items above are the most common ones every business owner will experience. Contact us to help build your specific Gross to Net Proceeds Model or contact your CPA and engage their help. Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of a transaction with a third party only to find out you’re not going to be happy with the net proceeds you will personally enjoy. You want to be euphoric one day from the sale of your company, take this important step early on in your exit process.

Use Greenpoint Testing to Achieve Your Desired Exit Valuation

It only takes 106 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, to stress test your readiness for a successful exit.

However, these questions require thoughtful commitment to achieve your desired exit valuation.

During this up to hour-long online testing, you'll see questions such as the following.

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Then, complete the Greenpoint questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will reveal any gaps in your planning, pointing to the action steps needed to maximize your desired exit valuation.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Greenpoint results

Stethoscope Frees You to Work On Your Business, Beyond In It

120 questions, scanning 10 essential business functions, free you to work ON your business, rather than solely IN your business.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Stethoscope questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning, and tips for future growth, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your thinking as a business leader.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Stethoscope results

Be Ready for The Probe of Due Diligence

109 questions, scanning 10 essential due diligence disciplines, to prepare for a roadblock free Probe of your business in anticipation of sale.

And to potentially increase the value of your business by your professional transparency.

With each question requiring thoughtful commitment to identify opportunities to further your success.

During this up to hour-long digital Q&A, you'll see questions such as the following:

Sample Question 02

After internalizing each question, select among three answer options – Agree, Unsure and Don’t Agree – choosing the answer which best describes you and your business.

Complete the Probe Diagnostic Tool questionnaire to unlock your personalized report, which will expose gaps [if any] in your planning for a due diligence Probe, resulting in action steps needed to maximize your readiness when diligence is due.

Format: Digital

Delivery method: Email

Report included: Your Probe results