The short answer may be No.
The future acquirer of your business will determine what value they will derive from owning yours. If they believe your business is perfect as it is, this may translate in their eyes to having achieved its peak and taking it any further is filled with risk. Acquirers generally don’t like risk.
If your long-term plan is to manage your business purely as a family life style one, there is nothing wrong with this and your definition of a “perfect” company might be one that provides you a great compensation and benefits, perks and periodic distributions for decades to come. But if your longer-range plan is to sell to a third party, now you have to think more about the definition of “perfect”.
The acquirer of your business will have a specific reason for wanting to buy it. Their reasons may include adding revenue and profit scale to their business, expanding their products or services portfolio, expanding their access to customers and markets, giving them access to your processes or technology, access to your team or perhaps even just removing you as a competitor from the market. In their plan to benefit from one or more of these, they will determine where they can take your business to benefit their future plans. If you present them a “perfect” business, they may not be willing to pay a premium for a business that potentially has reached its peak in their eyes.
You will build the worth of your business and position yourself for a future euphoric exit event by building a company that excites the acquirer because it has runway left for them to benefit from. Talk with your advisors or give us a call (949.874.0787) and we'll help you identify how you can have the plan for not building the perfect company, but the right company to excite the future acquirer.