San Diego, California
Global business Owner/CEO organization, Vistage (Vistage), hosted Larry O'Toole at four San Antonio, Texas events this week. The topic was "Strategic Planning That Grows Company Worth". Mr. O'Toole shared practical and actionable strategic thinking and planning insights with business owners and key executives from a broad array of companies. The workshop includes learning a new way to look at what strategic planning is, sharing an effective 4 part planning campaign and sharing a series of enabling strategic thinking templates. All designed for audience members to be able to apply the learnings to their companies.
A Vistage member shared, "Larry helped me realize that certainly strategic planning is difficult but by engaging a repeatable approach that he shares, I can now better see a pathway to chipping away at it and building my thinking and planning muscle and that of my team. Great use of my time this morning and am heading back to my office feeling invigorated to enhance my strategic planning and execution."