San Diego, California
During the week of April 25th, 2022, global CEO organization Vistage (Vistage) invited Larry O'Toole to be the guest speaker for multiple events in the Sacramento area of California to help business owners and CEOs build their company valuation. The topic was, "Strategic Planning That Enables Company Worth". Larry provided his practical insights for helping an organization build overall company value, or what he calls company worth, through a new approach for stratgic thinking and planning. As one member commented, "Larry took a complex topic and helped us see how to tackle it effectively with a repeatable and scalable campaign. I'm excited to get back with my team and implement many of the ideas Larry shared with us today."
Said O'Toole, "Strategic thinking and planning is hard so it's often deferred by executives when what they need is to tackle it head on and to answer key strategic questions their business should be addressing to build long term worth. My role is to help take away the uncertainty company owners and CEOs have in terms of how to take this complex topic and chip effectively away at it."
The workshop includes an effective 4 part campaign for guiding a team through new thinking and capturing that thinking in an actionable plan. In addition, the members leave the session with a variety of thought provoking templates executives can use with their teams to faciliate new productive dialog.